University is a totally fraud online institute. Beware students not to get
enrolled with this university as it’s been faulted of being a diploma mill. It’s
a declared non accredited online university by the State of Texas while it was offering
a Life Experience Degrees and Certifications Programs. Furthermore it’s already been categorized as an
illegitimate provider of educational credentials.
is not officially recognized by Higher Education Council or the US Department
of Education as a legitimate accredited university. It’s one of those
fraudulent online institutes offering degrees and certificates on low cost and
less time, having no worth in the market. Employers refuse to accept degrees
from such scam university. Numerous students including working adults fail to
grasp this information and fall to online Universities scam.
If you get
trap in Rochville university scam, you would not only face embarrassments, lose
your money, you can also be trailed for a claim on buying a degree from this university.
Make sure, you completely understand what you
want and which university you choose prior making any decision. Share the
online university scam awareness among the students and working adults to save
them from being trapped in such scams ending up with the universities like Rochville
University online degree scam forever.
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